Pandemic Expressions & Kindness
Being able to quarantine is either a privilege, lucky, or a blessing depending on your point of view. Quarantine may not be so ease for people living in the street, for whatever reason. What has amazed me, is the amount of people I’ve come across with either messages of hope, offering food or simply having an inspirational message on their home. These acts of kindness have come from both the “homeless” or people in formal homes. There have been times where I’ve come across people curious of my intentions, and that’s ok. I simply let them know the intention of this project, and my background, luckily most are welcoming. This photography is meant to highlight the creative, interesting and statement making displays people are capable of. Some of this, in a pandemic, from a virus that scares many of us, isolates us, yet also brings out the generosity and creativity from us too, “homeless” or not.