Christmas guest on Skid Row
Christmas 2020, We all had a hard time with the Pandemic, isolation and loss. My family was ill with Covid 19, I wasn’t able to visit them as I normally would. New friends (IG: usapastorblue, ameliarayno & muslimahsoninja) put together an amazing week long Christmas cookout, with gifts, Christmas movies and most importantly LOVE. @Usapastorblue is the glue that keeps everything together. @ameliarayno makes it happen. @muslimahsoninja moved out of skid row, but takes the bus 2 hours there and back to serve the community. All week people were contributing to the party, from friends online to residents on Skid Row, they contributed something. With Covid 19 and all the precautions coming with it, boundaries and health awareness isn’t always easy to follow. I did my best to keep Covid 19 protocals, wearing my masks & keeping appropriate social distance as I could. A good time was had by most in attendance. “Meeting people where they’re at” isn’t always easy, as we come from different backgrounds and beliefs as to what service looks like. But if the intent is Love and Service, that makes it work.
Truth is, if my family was available, I would’ve been in Skid Row anyway. Without family available, it brought a sense of normalcy, even outside on the street. Being welcomed in isn’t easy in this community, not everyone can just jump into Skid Row, trust does have to be gained, understandably so. It’s not daisies and sunflowers, there is suffering and struggle constantly. Through the struggle, this week Love and Service reigned. I’ve seen many of my friends isolated, with every privilege you could imagine, suffering. On these streets, in this location, if only for a moment, I witnessed joy, laughter and giving from people who have one millionth, of what the wealthy attain. So if you take anything from my small experience, please give love & generosity to your community and beyond. Don’t think of donation & service as a selfless act, its not donating to “them” but contributing to “US” as fellow humans trying to live laugh and love.
IG @usapastorblue
Granny (in front) & @ameliarayno(IG)
IG @muslimahsoninja
The Country is Reeling
Right now with George Floyd's death/murder, the country is reeling. Photographed this in Long Beach, 5/28/20. This is representation for me, of people who have been underserved, under represented and knowingly persecuted. The gentleman to the left, looking at the flag represents to me the depths of service people of color have gone to serve our country, on the streets. There are people of all backgrounds, colors and beliefs who are police officers, military personnel and business owners affected by this. I'm a Buddhist and stand for peace/love/kindness first, for everyone. I see everyone as suffering through this, yet I have hope. I have hope through the people of all backgrounds coming together, acknowledging what is not right, and wanting peace for all of us. I hope, that we can come to a peaceful resolution and grow though this. I don't have a solution, but I know we have been through this before, I look to the actions of MLK and others to guide us. Paraphrasing the Buddha, Like a flame, Love/Happiness will never decrease by being shared.
Pandemic Expressions & Kindness
Being able to quarantine is either a privilege, lucky, or a blessing depending on your point of view. Quarantine may not be so ease for people living in the street, for whatever reason. What has amazed me, is the amount of people I’ve come across with either messages of hope, offering food or simply having an inspirational message on their home. These acts of kindness have come from both the “homeless” or people in formal homes. There have been times where I’ve come across people curious of my intentions, and that’s ok. I simply let them know the intention of this project, and my background, luckily most are welcoming. This photography is meant to highlight the creative, interesting and statement making displays people are capable of. Some of this, in a pandemic, from a virus that scares many of us, isolates us, yet also brings out the generosity and creativity from us too, “homeless” or not.
Have Fun…
The other day I was about to head out and take pics. Someone special to me said “Have Fun.” It got me thinking, is this fun? Is this something I enjoy? Truth is, its not, that’s not the point though. There is satisfaction. Satisfaction comes in the potential. The potential that the life I see in front of me, (and cannot un-see) will inspire you to make a difference in those around you. We get to share a moment in time. Especially this moment in time during a global pandemic, where we are all effected, and supposed to isolate. Many other’s can not isolate. While many of the subjects in these photographs are examples of living situations, natural scenes, symbolic without many people. There are people around them everywhere. Some of the photos hint at what people have to do to get by. They can not social distance. I simply want to acknowledge and thank those on the front lines attempting to help humanity. This project started way before the virus, but I find there’s synchronicity in time, fate as it may be. This pandemic has altered the way we live, relate and see the world permanently.
Setting the tone.. first pic and why.
This project started about 5 years ago. I was a pro driver in Los Angeles for the elite of the elite. I was in an alleyway at about 3 am starting my shift, when I noticed the first pic. In the alley, was a perfectly lit couch with an American Flag on it. When driving by, I noticed feet sticking out. It conjured up the title in my head “The American Dream” I then started to see figures like this all over. I started taking pictures mainly with my cell phone, and a friends old camera. This inspired me, realizing that there may be an opportunity to make a difference. To bring to light other parts of this great experiment.. The United States. I love the American Flag, I love what it stands for, and when it’s in a beautiful setting. We see that all the time though. The people who display the American flag in these less fortunate situations are just as American, or at least have the rights the American flag stands for. I’ve wanted to simply bring another perspective to what we see. Thank you for taking the time to look at what I’m offering, and please remember, we affect each other…Whether we know it or not.
The American Dream